How do you make friends as an adult?

Please do tell, because me striking up conversations with random women at Target hasn’t worked

Juliane Bergmann
8 min readJun 29, 2021
It was so much easier when I was a kid. (Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash)

It’s 2 am and my friend Lessie is scrubbing the hand railing going up the stairs in the tiny rental house I’m moving out of tomorrow. She’s been blasting Ani DiFranco for hours, but we’ve been at it for a while and getting tired now (maybe also from the wine and brownies we started the cleaning session out with). She is my only girlfriend, after I divorced my husband and left my tight-knit church community, my entire network of family and friends crumbling around me.

She is also an Ex-Mormon and we were introduced by a mutual acquaintance. We went to have hot cocoa and sat in a sticky booth for four hours talking about our experiences. But we moved on pretty quickly from Mormonism and our friendship became much more.

When my van broke down the morning I had a job interview three hours away, she jumped in the car and came over to let me borrow hers. I started crying sitting in the car because I was so nervous and totally blanked on how to use her stick shift. She took one look at me completely melting down in front of her and just said, I’ll drive you. I was like, what? crying harder but because of gratitude now. We threw the kids in the car to drop them off at pre-school (of…



Juliane Bergmann

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